One of our main goals this upcoming year is to spread the word about St. Dunstan’s Academy and to seek out like-minded folks who might join us in this good work. Between me and our Headmaster and Founder, Thomas Fickley, we have already spoken on the school’s behalf in Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Michigan so far this calendar year.
Here is the SDA travel schedule for the rest of the year, as of August 18:
- September 13-14: Attending Hillsdale’s Constitution Day Celebration
- September 22-24: Attending Hillsdale College’s Homecoming Weekend in Hillsdale, Michigan
- October 8: Presenting at the Anglican Cathedral of the Epiphany in Columbia, SC
- October 9-15: Attending the Anglican Joint Synods and Orlando-area networking
- October 16-22: Sponsoring and speaking at the CiRCE Institute’s “Lift Up Your Hearts” Regional Conference, plus Atlanta-area networking
- November 3-4: Attending the Synod and Convocation of the Anglican Diocese of Christ our Hope in Roanoke, VA
- November 8-10: Presenting at and attending the DEUS/APA Diocesan Women’s Retreat in Conyers, Georgia
- December 14-17: Presenting at St. Edwards Anglican Cathedral and Indianapolis-area networking
One or both of us will be at each of these events. If you know a church, publication, or other venue that might be interested in hearing more about our project — particularly in the highlighted networking areas above — please do reach out! I can be reached at .