Farming & Work
“Only where love and need are one,
And the work is play for mortal stakes,
Is the deed ever really done
For heaven and the future’s sakes.”
-Robert Frost, “Two Tramps in Mud Time”

Growing into Manhood through Prayer and Good Work
The model for St. Dunstan’s Academy is essentially Benedictine. “Ora et Labora,” prayer and work, will guide and organize each day at the school. The boys will be immersed in the Holy Scriptures daily in the services of the Church: the Mass and Morning and Evening Prayer, as well as in the boys’ private devotions. They will learn to “pray without ceasing” by practicing throughout the day in light of the Church’s ancient wisdom.
As they cultivate their capacity for prayer and attention, the boys will also learn the value of good work. Beekeeping, farming, caring for livestock, crafting new buildings on campus, repairing fences, and various other experiences of meaningful, hard work will help impart a sense of accomplishment, capability, and craftsmanship to the students.
To Learn the Habits of Good Work and Good Works, St. Dunstan’s Students Will:
- Operate a sustainable farm under the guidance of the school’s faculty.
- Practice traditional crafts like carpentry, woodworking, and blacksmithing.
- Complete daily and weekly chores to build and maintain their character and their home away from home.
- Participate in the design and creation of their living spaces.
- Use their newly acquired habits and proficiencies to complete community projects and find opportunities to serve their communities and families back home.
- Engage in careful stewardship of the campus property, learning about responsible land management and environmental sustainability.